Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Stress Levels are at Hair Tearing Out at this Point in Time

Firstly, this is a super stressful time right now, finals are starting next week and if I don't get my sh** together and get a 3.5 I'm going to get dropped from my major. That is not even half of it, though. My friends, though I love them to death, are making me want to tear all my hair out.

SITUATION 1: High School Drama in College?
    So I have this group of about 8 friends who do everything together. Two of my friends from this group(lets call them Gigi* and Ali*) started going out in November, but Ali didn't really feel into the relationship and after letting it go on, they broke it off in late February. Before they broke it off though, Gigi said somethings (to a few people) she didn't really mean, because she was hurt that Ali had been keeping the fact she wasn't happy with her a secret. Some of our friends are okay with Gigi again, like Ali's roommate Sally* and our friend Teddy*, but the other people like our friend Minnie* and especially Ali won't speak to Gigi and she won't speak to them. So every time I'm with Gigi and I see the group or I'm with the group and see Gigi I'm caught in what I should do cause they blatantly ignore each other so I can't talk to them both at the same time, I have to pick who I want to talk to and it' so awkward like there is this big elephant in the room (or elevator) and I HATE IT!! I do not want to pick sides and they aren't making me pick them until we are all together...And before you say, well it's not like you guys are always all together, WE ARE. We are all in the same major and live on the same floor in our dorms and we all participate in the same activities and classes. Oh, and to top all this wonderful awkwardness off Gigi is transferring schools next year because of all of this and she is one of my best friends here, so I don't know what I am going to do!! I thought we were supposed to leave all the high school drama in high school....

Before I continue, it's going to be another long one so leave if you don't care, thanks.

SITUATION 2: Boys Boys Boys Boys (The world according to Kaycee*)
   My friend Kaycee loves boys, I mean loooooooooooooves them and right now she has this "situation" (it wouldn't actually be a situation though if she would just listen!) going on with two boys. First there was this boy named John* (he lives in our dorm too, but is 3 years older)who she met one weekend at a party. He is pretty hot, but he is a not so great person who somehow always convinces her to do things she instantly regrets (no, not sexual things, they ate sandwiches together, if you get my How I met Your Mother reference). They texted and talked for a few weeks before she said "Maddie! He isn't a good guy, I need to stop talking to him" to me. This was after she ate some more sandwiches that she regretted and so I told her, "okay, you can do it, you said he has facial hair now that doesn't look good on him, so every time you think of him think of that and the sandwiches he convinced you to eat." She did that he kind of slipped her mind a little, but would still constantly bring him up. Then a few weeks later (right after Spring Break) Kaycee told me about this guy named Steve who had been kind of creeping on her. After she told me everything I decided I didn't like him immediately and said that she should just stop talking to him, but if she always listened to my advice I wouldn't be tearing my hair out would I? Before I go on you have to understand that Kaycee is an extremely social person. No matter how much she doesn't really like someone or talk to them that often she can NEVER delete them off Facebook and she could NEVER delete their number. So she continues to think hes kind of a creeper and he continues to extremely annoy her, but SHE KEEPS TEXTING HIM! She isn't attracted to him unless she is.....whatever, unless she is drunk and even then it's only cuz he is the only available guy with her when she is drunk. She doesn't really like his personality and she is grossed out by the fact that he is balding VERY early on, yet she KEEPS. TALKING. TO. HIM!!!! This isn't even just a friendship for her, she keeps talking about maybe hooking up with him too. And every time he does something stupid or annoying each and EVERYONE of her friends (including me) say literally the same exact thing "You don't really want to care about him so instead of complaining, just delete his number off your phone, delete him as a Facebook friend, don't seek him out in person anymore and get one with your life." I'm not even kidding when literally the 9 people she asked (including me) said the EXACT SAME THING, but every time, she said well, I'm going to ask so and so to see what they say because she doesn't like our answer. Also, everytime he texts and she asks me if she should text back or what should she say, I tell her one thing, she does the opposite, and BAM!! she regrets it instantaneously and says "I should've listened to you, Maddie." I don't even know why she bothers asking if she is going to do whatever she wants (the wrong thing) anyways, Heck! I don't even know why I bother answering!! And now, even with all this stupid Steve nonsense going on, she is starting on with John again! I'm just going to go crazy if I have to deal with this all the time! Every time I talk to her its nothing except trying to dissect a stupid message that Steve or John sent her when the meaning is right in the words. It doesn't mean anything else!!! But will she listen? NOOOOO!!!! I love her to death too, but we never talk about anything except her stupid made up boy problems and its freakin getting ON MY NERVES!!! It's just like in He's Just Not That Into You when Justin Long said "You guys secretly crave drama", trust me, I don't crave drama, but Kaycee DEFINITELY does.

I swear, because I didn't have any drama in my life in high school, it's all catching up with me now in college and that is terrible considering I'm in one of the toughest majors in my school and I'm already up to my ears in stress from trying to keep my grades perfect while still having a life. 

GAHHHH! Stress, please go away!! 

*All names have been changed.

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