Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hello, I'm Not Gonna Waste Any Time

HI! So Yes it is called Potter Approved, and I might talk about Harry Potter a lot (a lot, a lot), but not everything will be about it, soooo on to my blog I guess.

I really wanted to talk about English class, I know, its boring, but deal with it! :P
Well I haven't been in an Honors/AP English class since my freshman year (I'm a senior now), and it sucks. I'm one of those people who really like writing and really, really (really) loves to read, I know, weird, right? Well I am one of those people and it sucks because I'm in On Level English. Long story short, my dad made me quite honors after freshman year because he thought "I couldn't handle it." 

Well these people in On Level English are nice people, but they don't like English and its just horrible being stuck in a class full of people who act dumb and don't want to really be there. Even the curriculum is sucky, because we only get to read parts of things (like the Iliad, Beowulf, etc.) from the literature books, and we don't get to hear the whole story. 

Today in class we started reading Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales and I found the beginning perfectly fine and somewhat interesting. The girl next to me, however, did not. We were talking about the part we had read and she complained "Why did this guy have to write this long, drawn out explanation of the character of the knight, when he could of just put 'The knight was chivalrous and shit'?" Really? She doesn't even get that its supposed to be poetic and give us a good description of the character.

I know that AP English is really hard, and I know you get a lot of work, and I don't know about you guy's (or girls), but I would rather be in a hard class that challenged me, where people actually somewhat appreciate literature we read, and where I don't just get an easy A, than in my class where people think Chaucer should have described his knight as "chivalrous and shit."

Well, that was my rant about english, haha, see you some time soon! 


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