Monday, May 21, 2012

My Best Friend

     Ok, so I love my best friend! Rylee* and I have been best friends since the first day of high school, so for about 5 years now. We have never gotten in a fight and I have only been annoyed by her about twice in the entire 5 years I've been friends with her, but now we are approaching majorly annoying territory. 
      I support everyone's right to be obsessed with something, I mean everyone is usually obsessed with something. My obsession is Harry Potter and I really like many other things. Rylee on the other hand is obsessed with Supernatural. I have a Tumblr account and so does she. But here is the difference between us, I don't only reblog stuff about Harry Potter just because I'm obsessed with it, if I wanted to do that, I would create a blog solely for that purpose if I wanted only Harry Potter, so as not to bombard my followers and friends with Harry Potter stuff, but my best friend did not do that. 
      I really am okay with her loving Supernatural, that is great for her. I'm even okay with her talking about it all the time and making references, because I do the same with Harry Potter, but when I'm not with her I expect at least SOME relief from the supernatural stuff, but NOOOOOOO, I get no relief!!! Every time I go on Tumblr my dash is flooded with Supernatural stuff and Misha, Jenson, and Jared. I have to search and search to find stuff I actually want to reblog For a while it was okay, I even found some stuff funny, even though I don't watch the show, but after two months (which isn't that long, but believe me, on Tumblr time it's long) I am so fricken tired of it. I don't want to go on Tumblr and see only Supernatural everywhere I look, I want to see the things I like! And I can't even ask her to tone it down because she has been so supportive of my obsessions and I don't want to seem ungrateful, but can't a girl get some time away from the Supernatural stuff?? I need a break!!


well, toodles, thanks for reading my rant!

*Name has been changed